Using material reuse as an excuse to get to know your neighbours. Building from existing Do-It-Yourself cultures to create opportunities to Do-It-Together.
Things In Common demands that we rediscover value in things that have been undervalued for too long. These include:
undervalued public space
undervalued material flows
and undervalued locations
Site:Goodmayes railway siding
Interrupting Imagery from:Incredible Edible Salford
Site:Residential street
Interrupting Imagery from Happen Films:Living a Radically Simple Permaculture Life | Creatures of Place
Site:Goodmayes Park pavilion
Interrupting Imagery from:Library Of Things
Site:Chigwell Road Reuse & Recycling Centre
Forcing financial values to take a back seat means that social connections and natural material cycles can once again become our most precious assets.
return home or continue to new networks of material reuse and repair –>